Monday, January 30, 2012

There will be another day...

Over the last few days, Elizabeth and I have been grateful for the encouragement of friends, family, volunteers, donors and so many whom we've come to know. The warmth and depth of that encouragement makes my decision not to enter a campaign especially hard. Our love for this State and concern for her future makes it even more difficult still.

However, Elizabeth and I did not plan for a campaign this year. After careful reflection, I've concluded we cannot balance our existing professional, financial and family commitments with the full time demands of a statewide campaign at this late hour. The only responsible decision under present circumstances is not to run.

We will continue to be actively involved in the Democratic Party, in promoting good policies for North Carolina and in supporting strong candidates with bold ideas in their own bids for office this year. I am confident if we elect good people this fall that North Carolina's best days are ahead.


Charles Malone said...

While I, as well as thousands, would love to see you get into a campaign now, it is a big decision for you and your family to make, first of all. It is thoughtful of you to put the word out quickly and being prudent on this one will certainly bode well for you when the time is right. Best wishes.

Elisabeth M said...

I am looking forward to more Cal in Carolina soon! I understand your decision and I send you only the best.